I absolutely realize that finding time for reading is often a challenge, but you must make it happen! Reading not only keeps you a life-long learner of new critical skills, but also enables you keep a healthy perspective on the day-to-day. This is my ongoing list of great reads – some new, some old – depending on where you are in your career or in a given week. I’ll be filling out more detail here as time allows.
Customer Success – Nick Mehta, Dan Steinman, Lincoln Murphy
An invaluable history of how Customer Success came to be, and why it is so critical at scale.
The Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama and Howard. C. Cutler
Feeling down, a little burned-out? A classic (great) read to provide some soulful perspective on how folks deal with the hardest of situations in their lives.
The Hard thing About Hard Things – Ben Horowitz
Probably one of my favorite reads this year, particularly if you are operating in a high-performance environment, or start-up(ish) culture. Also happens to be on the required reading list for our leadership team 🙂
Managing Yourself – Harvard Business Review collection
I just love the HBR series – they do an incredible job of pulling together powerful studies and SME’s with tons of actionable data. Learn how to take your management style to the next level by first understanding how to manage yourself for optimal performance.
Wisdom of the Enneagram – Don R. Riso
While we are on the topic of self-discovery – this is great alternative framework for personality types (recently recommended to me by an executive relationship coach) with a spiritual lean that I recommend to help you deepen your understanding of key relationship needs, and communication style drivers.
Chief Customer Officer 2.0 – Jeanne Bliss
This is a huge book, with lots and lots of good material. While I found much of it interesting from a strategic perspective, it can get pretty abstract – might want to consider targeting areas of specific interest. I liked the chapter on reality check.
More to come!